

Terminal Projects

Terminal multimodal Zona de dezvoltare A

Modernization and development of Port of Constanta capacity
The development of the TENT Central Network through the modernisation and the development of the capacity of the Port of Constanța.

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Terminal multimodal Zona de dezvoltare D

This project contributes to increasing the storage and handling capacity of goods and merchandise in the development area D of the Constanța South Container Terminal S.R.L by creating a port platform with a total area of approximately 119,000 square meters and the adjacent facilities.

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Echipamente electrice

Development of superstructure in the Port of Constanta through the acquisition of mobile equipment for CSCT (Constanta South Container Terminal)

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Achizitia a doua macarale portuare mobile

Proiectul își propune achiziționarea a două macarale portuare mobile de tip MHC. Acestea vor asigura o gestionare eficientă a fluxurilor de marfă în Portul Constanța.

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