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Our World Our Future
We believe that working in a sustainable and responsible way is essential to building a strong business for our customers, our people and our society.
Our World, Our Future is our global programme to bring sustainability into every aspect of our work.
Our Commitments
We are investing in the long term in our business around the world, driving best practice, investing in innovation and measuring our progress, always seeking to do more. We focus on four commitments to:
- Minimise impacts on our environment by better managing natural resources and emissions
- Invest in our people by embracing diversity, encouraging personal development and providing them with the tools to drive change
- Ensure the safety of our people and strive for zero harm at work
- Build a vibrant, secure and resilient society through strategic investment in the issues that affect our people and our industry
We look for ways to innovate and improve across all of our commitments. We are dedicated to sharing what we do with our customers, suppliers and partners to encourage sustainable practice.