Port Tariff, Terms and Conditions & Byelaws
Port Tariff
Download the London Gateway Public Tariff 2024.
Download the London Gateway Public Tariff 2025.
Please note from 1 January 2025 there will be changes to the International Ship and Port Security (ISPS) Fee and Infrastructure Fee. See our customer advisory for more information.
From 1 January 2025, our Energy Adjustment Mechanism (EAM) will be revised. Please see confirmation of this in our customer advisory.
On 1 October 2021 we introduced an Energy Transition Contribution (ETC). From 1 July 2024, our Energy Transition Contribution will be adjusted. Please read our customer advisory which contains further information.
In April 2022 we introduced a Fuel Duty Recovery (FDR) charge. To find out more information, please read our Energy Adjustment Mechanism & Fuel Duty Recovery customer advisory.
Terms and Conditions and Byelaws
Download the Multi-Purpose Trading Terms and Conditions for DP World London Gateway Port.
Download London Gateway Port Byelaws (PDF)
Tax Strategy
Download the DP World tax strategy in relation to its UK subsidiaries - FY2024.
Vehicle Booking System (VBS) Charges
View the Landside Business Update and Annual Adjustment of Vehicle Booking System (VBS) Service Charges - 1 September 2024 to 31 December 2024 announcement.
For Vehicle Booking System charges, please visit our dedicated VBS page.
Car Packing
A car packing service is offered at London Gateway. We can pack a wide range of vehicles into both dry van and reefer containers. To make a booking email: [email protected].
Once your booking has been confirmed you will be asked to complete section one of a vehicle delivery and inspection form, confirming the delivery details required to allow the vehicle onto the terminal.
A DP World London Gateway staff member will complete section two of this form with the person delivering the vehicle so that both parties agree on the state of the car upon arrival. We will then provide photos, if required, once the vehicle(s) are packed and complete a DGN if required.
You will be asked to confirm if the booking is hazardous. If it is, there must be no more than ¼ tank of petrol in the vehicle.
If the booking is not hazardous the tank must be virtually empty; we will also disconnect the battery once the vehicle is in the container.
Fumigation of containers can be arranged for both import and export containers. Please note that sometimes the authorities will request fumigation of a container, in the event that an inspection is not able to continue until fumigation has been carried out.
Please note that sometimes the authorities will request fumigation of a container, in the event that an inspection is not able to continue until fumigation has been carried out. In these circumstances we will contact you to request approval for us to proceed.
Container Weighing
Easy container weighing solution for UK exporters.
DP World has invested in state-of-the-art container weighing solutions to provide shippers with a seamless service when exporting goods through its UK container terminals.
- No disruption to your supply chain
- No delays for hauliers at the terminal while obtaining the container weight
- Same seamless solution applies for boxes arriving by rail
Highly accurate weight verification that is compliant with the regulations from the Maritime & Coastguard Agency in the UK.
At DP World London Gateway and DP World Southampton we will provide you with fully compliant and verified weighing solutions to meet the International Maritime Organisation legislation.
Visit our dedicated container weighing website by clicking here.
Project Cargo Services
DP World London Gateway provides a specialist project cargo team which offers its customer on-site load, lash, secure and devanning services of out of gauge (OOG) and breakbulk cargo.
Our designated OOG area operates two reach stackers with a SWL of 40T, a port weighbridge available for weighing of all units up to 40T and OOG LLS devanning and car packing services available from 0700hrs - 1900hrs, Monday to Friday. Our quay crane offers max lifting capacity of 95T under heavy hook.
For further information, please see our project cargo services fact sheet.
Shunting Services
DP World London Gateway offers a delivery shunting service of import, export, and empty containers to and from the port to our adjacent Logistics Park tenants. With full access to Port Systems, our Shunting Team strategically plan and deliver containers in a quick, efficient and cost effective way.
Our shunting service provides customers the opportunity to reduce transport costs and CO2 emissions, increase shelf life for fresh produce with deliveries to the Logistics Park cold stores, together with a reliable delivery of cargo to the numerous ambient facilities situated on the Logistics Park.
For further enquiries, please contact the London Gateway Shunting Team on [email protected].
Port Specifications
Download London Gateway Port Specifications (PDF)
Port Marine Information
Please see the following documents:
- Gangway Safety Netting Notification
- Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Co-operation Plan
- Port Waste Management Plan
- Shipmasters Information and Emergency Procedures Guide
To view the tide tables, please visit the Port of London Authority's website.
Dangerously Weighted Heaving Lines
During vessel mooring operations recently, we have unfortunately had a number of vessels using dangerously weighted heaving lines. Your attention is drawn to the MCA publication, The Code of Safe Working Practice 2015, Section 26.3.5 which states:
To prevent personal injury to those receiving heaving lines, the “monkeys fist” should be made with rope only and must not contain added weighting material. Safe alternatives include a small high visibility soft pouch, filled with fast draining pea shingle or similar, with a weight of not more than 0.5kg. Under no circumstances is a line to be weighted by items such as shackles, bolts or nuts.
The MCA have also published a safety alert to the industry entitled “Dangerously Weighted Heaving Lines 28 September 2015” which can be found here.
The use of weighted heaving lines is an unsafe practice, the dangers of which should never be underestimated, and which could result in serious or fatal injuries. It should be noted that vessels found using dangerously weighted heaving lines will be reported to the Maritime and Coastguard Agency and may also be subsequently liable to prosecution.