Haulier Information
This is the information required for hauliers before they enter DP World Tarragona:
Contractor Management Document
In order to obey the art. 24 of Spanish Occupational safety law and its Royal Degree 171/2004 reference to Contractor management, DPW Tarragona has produced the following document which is mandatory for all Haulier companies that have to enter into the Terminal to load/unload containers or general cargo.
The downloaded document has to be filled in and sent to the following e-mail address: [email protected]
Contractor Management Document
Safety Induction for Hauliers
All truck drivers need to take the safety induction:
Port Authority Badge
This is mandatory. If you do not have a port authority badge then you need to obtain a provisional badge from the Accreditation centre. Please visit before arriving at the terminal:
Address: http://www.porttarragona.cat/dmdocuments/planoca.pdf
Tel : 977 230456
Container In / Out order
Documentation for Container In / Out is mandatory.
Full Container In Order info:
- Container and seal number
- Booking number
- Haulier company
- Truck plate
- Sort of container (ISO Code)
- Port of Destiny (POD)
- Vessel
- Container Operator (Gate in order should be from Container Operator, and it must clearly indicated DPW Tarragona as the place to delivery the container)
- Weight
- Storage temperature if it's necessary (reefers)
- Port Authority Permit for IMO containers.
- VGM in paper, if you haven't requested weighing in the Terminal.
Full Container Out order info:
- Container and seal number
- Booking number
- Haulier company
- Truck plate
- Container Operator (Gate out order should be from Container Operator, and it must clearly indicated DPW Tarragona as the place to pick up the container)
Empty container Gate In Order Info:
- Container number
- Haulier Company
- Sort of Container (ISO code)
- Container Operador (Gate in order should be from Container Operator, and it must clearly indicated DPW Tarragona as the place to delivery the container)
Empty container Gate Out Order Info:
- Container number
- Haulier company
- Sort of container (ISO code)
- Booking number
- Container Operator (Gate out order should be from Container Operator, and it must clearly indicated DPW Tarragona as the place to pick up the container)
Arriving at the Terminal

Gate Arrival
Drivers need to proceed to the gate. On arrival the driver will be issued with an EIR ticket with the position to drop off / pick up the container in the yard.
Terminal Traffic Plan
Drivers need to be aware of the traffic plan for the terminal.
Weighing of Export Containers
SOLAS legislation requires all laden containers to have a VGM certificate before being loaded onto a vessel.
DP World Tarragona have a weighbridge for the purpose of weighing containers. Truck drivers should proceed to the weighbridge on arrival to the terminal.