Infrastructure and Equipment


We have more than 736.5 thousand m2 of infrastructure nationwide and we provide our customers with a modern fleet of equipment operated by reliable and highly trained personnel, which guarantee the efficiency and quality of our operations.

Our facilities in Peru are as follows: 


Address: Headquarters:

Av. Argentina 2085 – Callao

Area: 170,000 m2

Customs warehouse: 0823

Temporary deposit: 3033

Address: Carretera a Ventanilla Av. Néstor Gambetta Km. 14 S/N Callao

Area: 110,000 m2

Temporary deposit: 3105

Address: Carretera a Ventanilla Av. Nestor Gambetta Km. 14 S/N Callao

Area: 60,000 m2

Address: Av. Oquendo S/N with Av. A. (Ref back of Ajinomoto) Area: 32,866.14 m2

Address: Carretera a Ventanilla Av. Nestor

Gambetta Km. 15.7 S/N Callao

Area: 210,000 m2

Customs warehouse: 0823


Address: Zona Industrial II Mz F Lt 1 Parte alta de Paita A 2.5 km del TPE

Area: 80,000 m2

Temporary deposit: 3488

Address: Zona Industrial II Mz F Lt. 1

Parte alta de Paita

A 2.5 Kms del TPE

Area: 200,000 m2


Address: Lote 2, Sector Quebrada del Lúcumo – Lima

Area: 54,000 m2

Temporary deposit: 4463