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DP World Santos employees will pause work to watch Womens World Cup
Date: 13/06/2019
DP World Santos, one of the largest and most modern private port terminals in the country, located on the left bank of the Port of Santos, is joining the diversity and inclusion movement and will allow its administrative members to watch the FIFA Women’s World Cup, which is being live broadcast on television for the first time.
This initiative is an unprecedented landmark in the Port of Santos and aims to integrate the #ComVocêEuJogoMelhor movement (in English: “With You I Play Better”), which is supported by several companies in the country, in favor of gender equality.
At DP World Santos, a big screen will be set to display the game of Brazil and Australia today at 1 pm. On the next game of the first phase (Brazil and Italy), the employees will be dispensed at 3 pm. The use of green and yellow colors, just as Brazilian jersey will also be allowed on game days.
It is worth mentioning that this is another achievement of the company, which already has a global program called “DP World 4Women”, that aims to listen and promote actions that drive the growth and continuous development of women within the organization.
Learn more about Movement #ComVocêEuJogoMelhor in: https://www.comvoceeujogomelhor.com.br/
About DP World
DP World Santos was created after the consolidation of the purchase of Embraport by the DP World Group (Dubai Ports World), a process that took place in December 2017. The company is responsible for the operation of one of the largest private port terminals in Brazil, left bank of the Port of Santos (SP). With investments of R $ 2.3 billion, it provides more than 800 direct jobs and 1,500 indirect jobs.
Installed in a strategic area with access by sea, road and rail, the project has 653 meters of dock, 207 thousand square meters of courtyard and capacity of annual movement of 1.2 million TEUs (unit equivalent to a container of 20 feet) .
More information on the portal www.dpworldsantos.com
June 2019
Press Information:
Gabriel Setten
+55 (13) 3213.0719
+55 (13) 99651.5194