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Container Terminal
Container terminal services with use of state-of-the-art infrastructure, equipment and it systems
Vessel Operations
- 24/7 vessel operations
- Moves per hour: 50 – 75 moves
- Draft of 17 meters
Gate Operations
- 2 X weighbridge, in and out
- Configuration to allow out of gauge cargo
- VBS (Vehicle appointment system)
- Automated Gates and OCR is in project pipeline
Reefer Services
- No of reefer plugs: 336(624)
- Automated reefer monitoring
CFS Stripping / Stuffing
- Special yard area for import stripping
- Existing 2 x warehouses with area of ?? square meters each
Port Infrastructure
Extension dedicated for containers with 400m additional quay, 17m draft. Capable of handling up to 400m LOA vessels, 8 high, 24 wide. The container terminal currently has 500,000 TEU capacity.
- 3 x super post Panamax STS
- 8 x RTG equipped with PDS and auto-steering
- 26 x ITV
- 3 x Mobile Harbor Cranes
- 9 x Reach Stackers
- 6 x Empty Container Handlers
- 8 x forklifts