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DP World is the third largest operator in container terminal activities in the world.
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On the way to the leading modern port in Serbia - interview Maja Grozdanic, Executive Director of DP World Novi Sad
Date: 01/09/2020

Using the knowledge and experience gained in business around the world, as well as significant financial investments, the DP World company plans to position the port in the capital of Vojvodina as a key regional participant in the transport of goods. Maja Grozdanić, Executive Director of DP World Novi Sad, talks about the possibilities and plans for business improvement in the coming period, as well as the expansion of the portfolio of services offered to the customers.
In May 2019, '' P&O Port Dubai'' from United Arab Emirates purchased port of Novi Sad at a starting price of 7.99 million EUR. It is a company operating as part of DP World, the third largest port operator in the world.
Where the DP World interest comes for Port of Novi Sad?
Our growth strategy as a company is built on our vision to be an integral part of global supply chains and we are in locations where our customers want us to be. Serbia has the opportunity to play an important role in encouraging trade in the region. Serbia makes sense for efficient trade given its location on the river(s) Danube, Sava and Tisa connecting it to most EU countries from Black Sea to North Sea. Making it attractive for both maritime trade and passenger routes.
After the change of ownership structure, there were also significant changes in management. You are coming to the position of Executive Director. What was your development path at DP World?
I was involved in the project from very start and believe that Port of Novi Sad has great potential to become leading modern river port in Serbia with long term sustainable growth. Though my background is sport related being Olympian and professional coach, I invested in my education by having few university degrees.
My working experience beyond sport is reach and build in government service, and in that segment my knowledge, skills and contacts contribute to the success of clients, but also to the strengthening of "DP World" as a company that enables trade on a global level. Also, I give my contribution through…