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Mission, Vision and Values
To be a profitable port concessionaire, preferred by clients, appreciated by employees, which acts responsibly regarding the environment and the community.
To provide port and logistics services of excellence, which are effective, efficient and innovative, adding value for its shareholders; Caring about of people’s health and the environment, with employees who are trained and motivated.
We create growth by seeing what’s possible, especially when others don’t. We are constantly searching for the next and the new, and are not satisfied with ‘enough.’ There is always a better way, a faster or more profitable way.
- Always Looking for Opportunities
- Sees What Others Don’t
- Takes Risks
Ideas on their own are not enough. We make things happen, often in the midst of adversity. When faced with obstacles, we find ways to deliver. The key is to focus on the result and not to get lost in the ‘how.’ We find ways!
- End-Result Focused
- Finds a Solution
- Delivers Even in the Midst of Adversity
We create an environment where others succeed. We help people to improve, helping them to achieve more. This extends to our customers as well as our colleagues. By staying outside the comfort zone, learning and growth is part of everyday life at DP World. Part of helping people improve is valuing their time. It is our precious resource.
- Creates an Environment Where Others Succeed
- There Is No Comfort Zone
- Is Efficient With Time
While finding solutions, we focus on how we can make something happen. We’re not confined by the past. We adapt and evolve to create the future.
- ‘No!’ is Never the First Reaction
- Always Curious
- Looks for Practical Ways