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Data Fills The Gaps In Modern Supply Chains
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Duke Point Expansion
The proposed expansion of Duke Point Terminal will provide exporters and importers with direct access from Nanaimo to global markets. The project has received financial support from the Government of Canada through Transport Canada’s National Trade Corridors Funding (NTCF) as well as support from the Government of British Columbia’s Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure through the Stronger BC: BC’s Economic Recovery Plan under the Regional Port Enhancement Program. In collaboration with the Nanaimo Port Authority, DP World is committed to expanding economic capacity by enabling the efficient flow of trade both to and from Vancouver Island.
Key project components of the proposed expansion include:
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Increased capacity
to provide importers and exporters with direct access from Nanaimo to global markets
Operational efficiency
The proposed addition of two fully electric quay cranes will help optimize operations
Redesign & reconfiguration
The proposed improvements will increase the multi-purpose paved storage yard from 15 acres to 30 acres
Collaboration & coordination
Working closely with partners and local communities in the design and delivery of this project.