


DP World wants its activities to have a long-term positive effect on the economy and society. This is why we set high ethical, professional, and legal standards for ourselves and for the way we do business. We are taking the following initiatives in the area of ethical business practices:

  • The DP World Code of Ethics endorses international guidelines to prevent conflicts of interest, fraud, insider trading, bribery, abuse of confidential and personal information, and modern slavery.
  • We expect our business partners (vendors, consultants, joint venture partners etc.) to share our ethical and anti-bribery values.
  • Via our Whistleblowing hotline, employees and stakeholders can share their concerns about potentially unethical or illegal behaviour.
  • We regularly organise awareness campaigns and training on fraud, corruption, and drugs for our employees and carry out fraud risk assessments and investigations. Since 2019, we have appointed a Fraud Risk Champion.
  • Through frequent stakeholder meetings and the publication of the sustainability report, we strive for transparent communication about our activities.