Cargoes Flow | Advanced Supply Chain | DP World

What is CARGOES Flow?

CARGOES Flow is an enterprise multi-vendor tracking tool for intermodal shipments. It mainly benefits large cargo owners that are working with multiple logistics vendors at any given time.
CARGOES Flow's granular visibility enables customers to make critical business decisions throughout the supply chain.

Why Choose Us?

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End-to-End Tracking

Track your multimodal shipments from origin to destination.

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Supply Chain Visibility

Understand the availability of your products for every purchase order.

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Manage by Exception

Receive email notifications for key milestone events and intransit exceptions.

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Insight Reports

Gain insight on your logistics network performance and optimization opportunities.

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Realtime Visibility

Track multimodal shipments and products from origin to destination.


Why Visibility Is Business Critical

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Common Causes Of Freight Delays & Monetary Loss From Poor Supply Chain Visibility

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Congestion on the road or at the port

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Delay or inaccurate data from connected sources or partners

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Inclement weather conditions

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Increasing logistics costs for expedited shipment

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Increasing risks from cargo theft and/or product quality deterioration

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Long production cycles due to delayed availability of inbound shipments

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Missing customer expectations and loss of customer trust

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Navigational hazards during the transit

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Regulatory holding such as customs inspection

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Resource constraint during peak season, holiday or weekend

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Strikes by service providers' union members

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Transportation disruption and service delays


How It Works

Cargoes Flow DP World
A SaaS Based Solution