Stuttgart Harbor


Directly connected with the western and northern European ports.


We are very happy to announce and present you the DPW Inland barge schedule connecting the inland to the deep sea ports of Rotterdam and Antwerp.

Scheduled departures to and from our terminals again provide greater reliability and more improved service. Due to minimal call sizes, congestion and delays in the deep sea ports, we had to consolidate the volumes where possible. With this plan, we will be able to serve your requirements better and even more reliably. As we understand situations can vary, we will always consider additional terminals on request, but we continue to count on your understanding to cluster volumes.

Contact terminal Stuttgart: [email protected] / [email protected]

Barge schedule


Terminal Antwerp

ETS Stuttgart ETS Germersheim ETS Manneim ETA Antwerp Terminals
Friday Sunday Monday Wednesday / Thursday 1742, 1718, 1624, 1610, 1333
Monday Wednesday Thursday Saturday / Sunday 1700, 869
Wednesday Saturday Saturday Monday / Tuesday 913, 869, 1510, 742, 730, 614, 524, 364


Terminal Rotterdam

ETS Stuttgart ETS Germersheim ETS Mannheim ETA Rotterdam Terminals
Friday Tuesday Monday Thursday / Friday APM2, ECT (DDE/DDN), HPD2, RWG, Q-Terminal (RCT/Kramer)
Wednesday Friday Saturday Monday / Tuesday APM2, BCW, CETEM, CTT, ECT (DDE/DDN), EMX, HPD2, Kramer City, MRT, Q-Terminals (RCT/Kramer), RST Zone 10 (vh RSTNZ), RST Zine 8/9 (vh RSTZZ), UWT-Frisohaven, UWT Eemhaven, UWT Pier 7, UWT Waalhaven


Terminal Antwerp

ETS Antwerp ETA Germersheim ETA Manneim ETA Stuttgart Terminals
Wednesday / Thursday Sunday / Monday Monday Thursday 1742, 1718, 1624, 1610, 1510, 1333, 742, 730, 614, 524, 364
Saturday / Sunday Wednesday Thursday Monday 1700, 869
Monday / Tuesday Friday Saturday Wednesday 913, 869 


Terminal Rotterdam

ETS Rotterdam ETA Germersheim ETA Mannheim ETA Stuttgart Terminals
Thursday / Friday Tuesday Tuesday Saturday APM2, ECT (DDE/DDN), HPD2, RWG, Q-Terminals (RCT/Kramer)
Monday / Tuesday Friday Saturday Wednesday APM2, BCW, CETEM, CTT, ECT (DDE/DDN), EMX, HPD2, Kramer City, MRT, Q-Terminals (RCT/Kramer), RST Zone 10 (vh RSTNZ), RST Zone 8/9 (vh RSTZZ), UWT Frisohaven, UWT Eemhaven, UWT Pier 7, UWT Waalhaven, WBT




  • additional terminals upon request / this schedule does not list special agreements
  • times of arrival and departure could be delayed due to congestion at the sea terminals
  • this schedule is only valid with a water level at Kaub =+ 80cm

Rail schedule


Destination Hamburg

Cargo Closing Stuttgart ETS Stuttgart ETA Hamburg Terminals
Friday 16:00 Monday Tuesday CTA, Eurogate, (other Terminals with shunt)
Tuesday 16:00 Wednesday Thursday CTA, Eurogate, (other Terminals with shunt)
Thursday 16:00 Friday Saturday CTA, Eurogate, (other Terminals with shunt)


Destination Bremerhaven

Cargo Closing Stuttgart ETS Stuttgart ETA Bremerhaven Terminals
Monday 16:00 Monday Tuesday MSC-Gate, NTB
Tuesday 08:00TuesdayWednesdayMSC-Gate, NTB
Wednesday 14:00WednesdayThursdayMSC-Gate, NTB
Thursday 08:00ThursdayFridayMSC-Gate, NTB
Friday 16:00 Friday Saturday MSC-Gate, NTB
Friday 16:00 Saturday Sunday MSC-Gate, NBT


Destination Rotterdam

ETD Stuttgart ETD Germersheim ETA Rotterdam Terminals
Wednesday p.m. Thursday Friday ECT Delta, HPD2 (former APMT1), EMX
  Sunday Monday  


Departure Hamburg

ETS Hamburg ETA Stuttgart Earliest Delivery Terminals
Sunday Monday Tuesday CTA, Eurogate, (other Terminals with shunt)
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday CTA, Eurogate, (other Terminals with shunt)
Thursday Friday Monday CTA, Eurogate, (other Terminals with shunt)


Departure Bremerhaven

ETS Bremerhaven ETA Stuttgart Earliest Delivery Terminals
Sunday Monday Tuesday MSC-Gate, NTB
Monday Tuesday Wednesday MSC-Gate, NTB


WednesdayThursday FridayMSC-Gate, NTB
 ThursdayFridayMondayMSC-Gate, NTB
Friday Saturday Monday MSC-Gate, NTB


Departure Rotterdam

ETS Rotterdam ETA Stuttgart Earliest Delivery Terminals
Wednesday / Thursday Friday Monday noon Delta, HPD2 (former APMT1), APMT 2, Euromax
Saturday / Sunday Monday Tuesday noon Delta, HPD2 (former APMT1), APMT 2, Euromax


Departure Rotterdam

ETD Rotterdam ETA Germersheim ETA Stuttgart Terminals
Monday Wednesday Wednesday p.m. ECT Delta, HPD2 (former APMT1), EMX
Friday Sunday    



Our Locations

Inland terminal solutions to ensure your cargo deployment is effective and efficient


The largest of DP World’s European inland terminals


The only trimodal terminal in Stuttgart with direct connections to North and Western European Deep Sea Ports


Connecting the Main-Rhine area via truck and barge with Antwerp and Rotterdam

Basel – Kleinhüningen

The barge gateway to Switzerland

Basel – Frenkendorf

The rail gateway to Switzerland

Basel – Birsfelden

Trimodal container terminal and reefer centre

Zurich - Niederglatt

Excellent connections in the heart of Europe


A trimodal facility with high development potential

Ile Napoléon

City center facility with local city logistics potential


High potential terminal in the heart of the 3-Land area


The only container terminal in Liege


Strategic intermodal hub linking Romania with major European and Asian markets

Novi Sad

Your premier logistics hub in South-East Europe