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Our Approach to Sustainability
Al Sabah Hospital
Since 2015, DP World Sokhna financed a successful community investment project it’s Al Sabah Hospital, this project includes high quality of equipment to support the health sector in the city especially due the gap of kidney dialysis unit and the neonatal intensive care unit.
As well as incubators to raise the efficiency of medical services provided for the people of Suez City and trying to support and ensure the hospital operation and equipment maintenance, hygiene and cleaning service and provide any support during the whole process.
The capacity of hospital is 10 machines for kidney dialysis and it’s working two shifts to support 36 persons per week (some patients doing the process twice or tripled a week).
And 10 neonatal units to support the newborn and according the case and can treat more than 20 child per week.
Al Salam Library
DP World Sokhna aim to maintain the culture and create new generation allowed to understand well and apply to the new technology and fully aware of our historical / updated data. so we created the biggest public library in Suez governorate.
The library is supporting the students and residents of the area. That we are providing a lot of Scientific, cultural, religious, literary and narrative materials.
The library now is supported to be a corner stones of a healthy community. this to give people the opportunity to develop themselves, explore researches, experience new ideas, get lost in wonderful stories, while at the same time providing a sense of place for gathering.
More than 12,500 book subjects are servicing more than 35 persons per day. Plus, weekly especial events for kids to encourage them to visit the library and use books as main source of learning.
Al Salam library is a unique and valuable resource.
Over the past 10 years, we have successfully positioned DP World Sokhna to be Egypt’s leading port. Our true contribution is to be manifested in this challenging time and we are committed to maintaining the success of DP World Sokhna. This puts us in a firm position of responsibility in supporting the economy of Egypt and serving its people.
DP World Sokhna provided two ICU Ventilators to community, that the Suez health authority has only 2 ICU ventilators with low condition, this project is to ensure that not create barriers to accessing health services for the poor in society.
The ventilators support the open the isolated hospital in the city to support the confirmed cases in the community to avoid the travelling to nearest cities to get the medical assistant.
The ventilators supporting more than 400 patients from April 2020 and provided the ICU governmental medicine protocol.
Global Volunteering Week (A Nile Cleaning Activity)
DP World Sokhna cooperated with the "Very Nile" campaign during the Global Volunteer Week event. 30 employees participated in the event organized by the campaign to clean the Nile and they were able to successfully remove 600 kilos of plastic and waste.
These events are part of DP World Sokhna’s commitment towards creating a more sustainable environment and adhering to our sustainability strategy "Our World, Our Future”. In fact, our business relies significantly on the ocean, and the belief that with the expertise in marine environments DP World will be able to make a positive and impactful contribution to its restoration.
“The Nile River is the essence of life in Egypt and is currently in crisis as a result of many polluting human activities that threaten its future. The public’s passive attitude and actions towards the river will lead to a much worse state and will negatively impact the society as a whole. As public health is endangered and pollution rates increase, we decided to be part of the solution. Thus, participating in the clean-up of the Nile, as an integral part of our scope to protect the oceans and the environment. The cleaning operations provided an opportunity to involve employees in volunteer activities, support the community and learn more about the protection and preservation of our oceans. During the event, precautionary health measures were taken by our volunteers.