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The Sokhna Logistics Park is part of a global portfolio of economic zones developed by DP World, aligned with its vision to be a global trade enabler, offering integrated, end-to-end supply chain solutions.
DP World Sokhna serves as a key business hub for the region, providing easy access to regional markets and talent. It offers investors a world-class supply chain industrial park with value-added services. This integrated approach combines the Sokhna Port, the DP World Sokhna Economic Zone, and advanced logistics services, creating a comprehensive solution for businesses.
As a nearshoring hub for logistics, supply chains, and regional distribution, the Sokhna Economic Zone offers several key benefits:
Strategic Location
Located on SCZONE land (General Authority for the Suez Canal Economic Zone), the zone is ideally positioned in front of Sokhna Port, just an hour from Cairo and 45 minutes from the New Administrative Capital.
Scalable Zone
Sokhna is the largest economic zone in Egypt, developed in phases to ensure ample space for business expansion.
Operational Flexibility
The zone provides a range of options including DP World Logistics services, prebuilt warehouses, build-to-suit (BTS) facilities, and serviced land plots.
Cost Competitiveness
Proximity to the port and services provided by DP World Logistics ensure cost-effective capital and operational expenditures.
Free Zone Regime
Special economic zone incentives include VAT and customs duty exemptions on imported goods.
Trade Agreements
Companies in the zone benefit from SCZONE trade agreements, promoting the zone as a key regional business hub.
Investment Environment
The DP World Sokhna Economic Zone offers a competitive environment for multinational enterprises (MNEs) looking to invest and export to regional markets.
Port Connectivity
Excellent connectivity is provided through Sokhna Port, with direct links to regional and global markets.
Integrated Logistics
DP World Sokhna Logistics offers freight forwarding, customs brokerage, and contract logistics services for zone customers.

- Build-to-Suit: For businesses requiring custom-built facilities, DP World offers turnkey build-to-suit solutions, developed according to specific technical and commercial needs.
- Prebuilt Warehousing: Ready-built warehouses are available for lease, ranging from 1,000 to 5,000 m², equipped with necessary utilities, fire safety systems, dock levelers, and office space.
Companies operating in the Sokhna Economic Zone can take advantage of a variety of fiscal and non-fiscal incentives, such as:
- Exemption from customs duties and VAT on imported goods used for warehousing or manufacturing.
- Access to foreign currency and unrestricted repatriation of capital and profits.
- Permission to sell goods to the local market and employ foreign labor.

To explore business opportunities in the Sokhna Economic Zone, fill out the inquiry form and connect with us to see how your business can benefit from this dynamic environment.