
DP World Limassol follows green business practices, fostering an environmentally conscious workplace. We also strive to minimise our environmental impact by better managing natural resources and emissions.

Specifically, we plan to install solar panels within the terminal with an eventual capacity of 2.5MW. The solar panels will reduce the port’s emissions as they will produce clean energy for all customers and port users.

DP World Limassol is also working closely with Cypriot authorities and stakeholders to develop onshore power supply infrastructure that will serve vessels docking at Limassol port, as part of an EU-funded project.

Furthermore, we are in the process of replacing our terminal lighting with energy-efficient LED lights to limit greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and light pollution. The new lighting will also allow for safer operations at nighttime.

At the same time, we regularly carry out beach clean-ups in cooperation with CYMEPA as part of our effort to protect the environment and raise environmental awareness among our employees.

Environmental stewardship at DP World means playing our part to preserve our planet for future generations, by reducing emissions across our global portfolio, protecting ecosystems and enhancing and restoring oceans.