DP World Brisbane

DP World Brisbane Terminal

Semi-automated facility at Australia’s fastest growing container port.

DP World Australia's Brisbane terminal on Fisherman Islands is our first to become semi-automated. Located at the mouth of the Brisbane River, DP World Brisbane offers automated stacking cranes, advanced operating system, and 900 metres of quayline.

Customers have access to a full range of electronic business support, including electronic customs import release of cargo, electronic data interchange (EDI) reporting, and web-browser-based information services.

Well-connected hub

The Brisbane Multimodal Terminal (BMT) is the city's link between regional locations, road and rail and the DP World Brisbane container terminal. The dual-gauge rail link and location of the BMT make it possible to move large volumes of cargo into and out of the port by rail.


Wharf 4, Port Drive, Fisherman Islands,

Port of Brisbane, QLD 4178

DP World Brisbane on Google Maps


Erin Sweeney

General Manager Operations, Fisherman Island, Oceania, APAC

General enquiries +61 7 3895 9160

Our Facility




900m Quay line



Terminal Area

36 Ha

Mode type

Automatic stacking cranes, Post-Panamax cranes, Shuttle Carriers.