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DP World Australia extends supply chain support following severed rail link into WA
Date: 08/02/2022
DP World Australia extends supply chain support following severed rail link into WA
DP World Australia provides extra capacity to ease supply issues impacted by rail disruptions as a result of severe weather event
Through additional capacity of containerised freight by sea, DP World continues to move critical supplies in and out of WA to support severed rail link

Fremantle, 9 February, 2022: DP World Australia extends additional capacity to shipping lines to help ease supply issues.
The “one in 200 year” weather event has severed critical rail networks to central South Australia, impacting supply into Western Australia. With freight forced to be diverted, DP World Australia is supporting our coastal shipments through an increase in containerised freight by sea to continue to move critical supplies in and out of WA.
With an additional 800 units through our Terminals, DP World is supporting our customers ANL, Maersk and MSC who service the east to west coast to keep trade flowing, while providing supply chain relief via alternative shipping methods amidst disrupted rail and road services.
DP World continues to work with local transport services in WA to move an anticipated uplift of 20% in volume via coastal movements at our Fremantle Terminal to support the community during this challenging period.
Andrew Adam, Chief Executive Officer of DP World Australia said, “By continuing to provide service reliability at our Terminals, we are able to keep trade flowing, despite severed critical freight links in and out of Western Australia.
Over the last 2 years, the pandemic has demonstrated our resilience and ability to provide consistent operational performance and we are proud to continue to support our customers and the Australian supply chain through additional capacity and reliable shipping methods”.